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Kimberly Perrelli

Female. Lives in United States.
About Me
Hi all, I never got this many messages when I was on a dating site. Crazy! 18 in one day. Look....... View More
Kimberly Perrelli
Im getting 10-15 messages a day from men. Why? I thought this was like a replacement for Facebook, not a dating site. So sick of the BS. I don?t need or want a date.
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David Grimm
Theyre mostly scammers. If you chat with them, theyll ask you personal questions.
December 2, 2020
Stachia Jenkins
Same here! I purposely put a picture of my husband and I, hoping it would be a deterrent. But alas, it was not. ?
December 2, 2020
Tom Hensley
So have you reported these these men looking for a date.
December 2, 2020
Kimberly Perrelli
Deleted all the people that have their page blocked. Really!
Kimberly Perrelli
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Kimberly Perrelli
He?s old and doesn?t have much longer to live. Maybe that?s why they wanted his. Incase they got caught. Lol
Kimberly Perrelli
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Kimberly Perrelli
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Kimberly Perrelli
Kimberly Perrelli
Kimberly Perrelli
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Kimberly Perrelli
Kimberly Perrelli
Kimberly Perrelli
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Larre Riffe
Haha says the man who signed the law banning automatic weapons. ????
November 26, 2020
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