Well I guess now we know why the IR SS bought all that ammo a few months ago. Keep your powder dry.
Why did the IRS buy 5,000,000 rounds of ammo? - New York State Firearms Association
This is the type of government that our Founding Fathers warned us about -- this is the type of government that exists in almost every other country on earth.
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Robert Roberson
They must only be coming to my house. Probably not a fair fight, they need more rounds....
James Williams
The communist are getting into position to use our military and federal agencies to stop Republicans from taking office after the midterms it looks like
The 🎸 Shredder
The $87 Billion the IRS is getting, is more than all the military equipment the U.S. left in Afghanistan, you have to soak that in for a minute, now it blows my mind that the requirements for those looking for Recruitment in the IRS, have been asked if taking DEADLY FORCE is a PROBLEM, I think WEAPO... View More