Is this the END OF THE U.S.??
In a sense it is. Our way of life is going to change drastically from what we have all come accustomed to. We as a people need to pay attention and speak out against Gov... View MoreIs this the END OF THE U.S.??
In a sense it is. Our way of life is going to change drastically from what we have all come accustomed to. We as a people need to pay attention and speak out against Government control and the Main Stream Media distortion of so called News.
Social Networks are controlling our free speech constantly and it's becoming a real threat to all of us.
Both Republican ,Independent, and Democrats will feel the Wrath of this New World Order. Certain eccentric Billioneres are controlling every aspect of this Master plan to create chaos around the world and most importantly in our United States of America.
"The Land of the free" will soon be a memory of what we once had. We see it slowly evolving.
Think back..... Remember when it was ok to pledge allegiance in school? Or say " Merry Xmas" ? Then THEY DECIDED it wasn't OK anymore. This was the signal or start of " The New Worlds Order" The Master plan began.
BUT It was interrupted with The 2016 Surprise Presidential Election of Donald J Trump.
As President he enacted changes to benifit Americans first!! The rest of the world didnt like being 2nd.( Biden if He becomes President will change America 1st. Your Biden Vote did this not mine)
President Trump brought jobs back to the US that oboobie and Biden took from us. Our President stopped sending our money to other countries to recieve nothing in return. He stopped foolish trade deals that didnt benifit us. He protected us first and put the world on notice that they cannot and will not take advantage of the American people. He made a stand for all Americans. He is a Take no shit President that speaks his mind and takes actions against those who are trying to decieve us. This includes the Washington Swamp who have sucked billions of dollars from the American people for decades and will now resume to business as normal if they successfully take control of the presidency.
We Trumpers will closely watch the 2020 election results and fully support Investigations as they transpire( Dems should want Transparency yet speak nothing of it)
US TRUMPERS.... We won't cry or hold our breath , OR FALSELY WITH OUT EVIDENCE TRY IMPEACH This Bozo Biden. We will just Pray to our all mighty god and find the strength to get thru whatever he decides for us. 100 million of us will not remain silent... We will speak out and fight if need be to guarentee our rights as written in our United States of America Constitution.
We will not stay silent in your dawn of "The New World Order".
Trump brought Change to Washington. He wanted to Fix a Corrupt Broken system that awards career Politicians with millions of dollars from Big Tech and Lobbyist that have plagued our Country for years.
Who's looking forward to the Biden Era.???( If it actually happens)
As a Trumper I still have hope. It will be a travesty that we may have to watch as a Biden Administration will destroy every step forward our President took our country to. ( a list of unrivalled Administration ACOMPLISHMENTS)
MOST Dems have no Idea what they have done. NONE have any knowledge of Bidens past screwups, or his Corruption combined with his sudden gain of wealth ( when you search his net worth it says Book deals and speaker fees. Lol. ( we know different)( China Russia be continued)
They do the same to Oboobie and any politician net worth. Always book deals..... Lots of corruption in a hard cover) The middle class will certainly feel it first...
We will all pay for it except the poor and illegals. ( FREEFORALL COMING AT MIDDLECLASS EXPENSE) I Can't wait for the first 10 major moves.
Lets all watch .....
1st. He will Repeal trump tax cut. ( which parts we will soon see.)
2. He will Rejoin Paris accord and W.H.O. ( THAT ALONE WILL COST $500 plus MILLION AND MORE)
3. He will Open borders to anyone then allow illegals to vote, get free medical, housing, etc ( at our cost & RE OPEN TERRORIST COUNTRIES ENTRY TO U.S ... He will also flood. North central US with the refugees from the middle East. ( approx 700k.
(I am only ok with fixing DACA. The Children born here at no fault of there own or have been here more than 1 year should be able to stay (but with no free gov. Handouts( except for those under 17 with no means of support. Those who committed Major Crimes are
4. Iran tariffs will be removed
5. China trade deal will change.
6 your daughters will be playing sports with transgender boys... And vice versa...
Those next on the list could be anything... The Georgia Senate race will determine those .... If We lose the senate we lose period. We will all witness a far left agenda beyond belief.
The Republican Party will be worthless.
We will never see a Republican President again in my life time. We will be at the mercy of A one Party Rule.
They will change election laws to guarentee it.
So my friends. My conservative friends we will need to wait and see what the final outcome of this election finalizes in the coming months. The campaign Lawers will present the evidence to the courts 1 court level at a time. The Supreme court will hear the evidence set forth before an inauguration. They will or will not decide how this turns out in fear of civil unrest.