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Jo Bidem

Sexually Confused. Lives in Washington DC, United States. Born on July 4, 1920. Is married.
About Me
It's me Joe Bidem. I'm your President. We will have a happy life together. I love being your preside... View More
Jo Bidem
My friend Phil Philemon took me ice fishing this morning (or was that last year.) I caught a 10 pound block of ice. But the game warden said it was too small and I had to throw it back. I will have hi... View More
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Jo Bidem
Today I signed Executive Order number something or other banning sexual assault weapons after Amy Schumer was injured filming another weird erotic scene in an upcoming Tarantino film. #NotYouToo
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Jo Bidem
Jo Bidem replied - 4 replies
Jo Bidem
With the stroke of a pen I joined one hundred and eleventy five climate treaties and fixed global warming. You're welcome. https://www.khou.com/mobile/article/weather/national-guard-texas-freeze-pow... View More
Jo Bidem
The other day I was having brunch with my dear friend Hillary Clinton. She was telling me about the day not long ago she was giving an interview to this silly right wing pundit from the LA Times named... View More
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Jo Bidem
Our hearts go out to Texans in this time of tragedy. The entire state is a frozen wasteland. I've declared Texas a disaster area. No one should enter or leave Texas ever again. It just can not be fixe... View More
Jo Bidem
I love you Americans! Happy Valentine's Day! Today I'm reminded of a love-hate relationship which went just a little bit sideways on Valentine's Day man. In the late 1700s some chicago business riva... View More
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Jo Bidem
Jo Bidem replied - 1 reply
Jo Bidem
This was my chauffer this morning. He's a funny guy, Larry is. Or is his name Trent? Sally? Oh well, whatever.
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Jo Bidem
On the up side of today, those wacky fun loving gamblers at Wall Street Bets lost a ton of money gambling on the impeachment.
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Jo Bidem
Here's a fun candid moment. I took this photo of Assistant Health Secretary (wannabe) Dr. Rachael Levine as she was checking my prostate. She's surprisingly gentle and has a big heart and tiny fingers... View More
Jo Bidem
Terrible, terrible news for Americans. It's just awful how the Senate failed us today, man. I can't believe they actually acquitted the most famous criminal in the world and just let that Trump guy of... View More
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Todd Mullins
February 13, 2021
Richard Fields
Take your meds, shut the Hell up and stop sniffing people's hair......damn creapy ass freak.
February 13, 2021
Rickie replied - 5 replies
Bill Stancombe
Eat shit and take off your face diaper
February 14, 2021
Jo Bidem
Jo Bidem replied - 1 reply
Jo Bidem
Here is a photo of me with Vice President Kamala Harris and I enjoying a stand up routine presented by Dr. Anthony Fauci. I never realized how fun medical education can be. It's all in the delivery. ... View More
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Jo Bidem
This is really funny. I love American creative comedy. And i love Bernie. He would have made a great president if he wasn't so old and white.
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