Little squatty false-Jew Khazar woman dies in her nineties: of the king/pope satanic psychopathy's "ten horns of the seventh head of the beast" of Christ-killing sodomite child-raping demon-possessed Idumean Gog; Rome and the false-Jews by God's grace we Americans escaped in covenant with only the D... View MoreLittle squatty false-Jew Khazar woman dies in her nineties: of the king/pope satanic psychopathy's "ten horns of the seventh head of the beast" of Christ-killing sodomite child-raping demon-possessed Idumean Gog; Rome and the false-Jews by God's grace we Americans escaped in covenant with only the Deity/JC, our King, Sovereign and prophesied yet attacked by Gog's having cheated in Pedo Joe and the Hindu Ho on their COVID Hoax for mail-in ballot Election fraud Treason.