I spend most of my time with those who are awake on least some of the many distortions that are being revealed at this time.
Many of those who are “awake“ feel compelled to awaken others. Some yel... View MoreI spend most of my time with those who are awake on least some of the many distortions that are being revealed at this time.
Many of those who are “awake“ feel compelled to awaken others. Some yell at them to wake up, others shake them awake, and still others brew coffee or use another pleasurable enticement to encourage a gentle awakening.
I suggest you encourage them to awaken enough to do their own exploration. If you know a lot of information, it is easy to err on the side of giving them too much information and expecting them to believe it all. In effect, that is exchanging one hypnosis for another.
Share just enough to lead them to resources so they are exposed to a variety of information so they can sort out the pieces and learn inside themselves. And if they refuse, move on. Make the relationship more important than the information and allow life to happen in its on time. If you have been kind, you will have planted a seed.
No one person has ALL the truth. In fact, we must come together to share our truths to get the whole picture. Life is synergy.
I was born in Massachusetts, so learning about the midnight ride of Paul Revere impacted my American history as a child. Here is a brilliant meme (no, I did not make this one) depicting the ride as a backdrop for a powerful written message.
The whole planet is awakening. This is an extraordinary time to be alive, and an even more extraordinary time to be awake.
Hot tempers, harsh debates, mean conflicts, unnatural divisions are occurring more and more dramatically among friends and family. Strangers are also ridiculing and barking at each other. Remember, y... View MoreHot tempers, harsh debates, mean conflicts, unnatural divisions are occurring more and more dramatically among friends and family. Strangers are also ridiculing and barking at each other. Remember, you do not have to accept every fight you are invited to.
You may find you are knowledgeable on a specific topic, while someone else is in initial discovery on that same topic. Help the person, if help is wanted, otherwise envision self-discovery or learning with someone else.
Be kind, now and later. If you have been trying to convince others to come around to your way of thinking, remember to be gentle with those same persons when certain topics are later proven to be true.
Planting seeds is sacred work. If persons resist your idea or ridicule you initially, be prepared to welcome them back as if they had not resisted, and help them to adjust to the Truth. Cognitive Dissonance is painful. (Do you remember your own?)
I encourage you to not say “I told you so.“ Make your relationships more important than being right or proving others wrong.
Be Kind. Be Loving. Be Grateful.
You know Truth in your heart, not your head.
When you get your head involved in trying to explain or justify Truth, you can confuse yourself or others. When you put more attention on the messenger t... View MoreYou know Truth in your heart, not your head.
When you get your head involved in trying to explain or justify Truth, you can confuse yourself or others. When you put more attention on the messenger than the message, you can also confuse yourself or others.
Do conflicting thoughts swirl around in your head? If so, a very simple way to move your attention from the swirling thoughts in your head to find calming energy in your heart is to put your hand in the middle of your chest. If that is not convenient, move your attention from your head, downward into your heart space, in the middle of your chest. Rest there. Breathe. Know the Truth.
It is up to YOU to recognize Truth. Others might be able to help you clarify information, but you must FEEL the Truth, you must KNOW the Truth inside you.
Truth is unfolding. Daily. Some of it may confuse you. Some of it may horrify you. If it does, put your attention in your heart, calm yourself, breathe, and then open to the Truth.
Speak your Truth or Be Silent. Make a conscious choice, moment by moment. Above all else, be Truthful with yourself.
We are turning the world Right Side Up. Welcome to a Magnificent Future.
It is a pleasure for me to share this beautiful piece with you today.
By Eloise Al'Cyona (Translated from French)
They lost. Because by locking us up, they force us to face our shadows, to look our... View MoreIt is a pleasure for me to share this beautiful piece with you today.
By Eloise Al'Cyona (Translated from French)
They lost. Because by locking us up, they force us to face our shadows, to look our own demons straight in the eye, to heal and transmute them.
They lost. Because by isolating us from each other, they encourage us to come together, strengthen our bonds and reconnect us from heart to heart.
They lost. Because by shamelessly lying to us, they lead us to seek the truth elsewhere and by ourselves, therefore to come out of the illusion.
They lost. Because by trying to scare us, they push us to let go, to stay centered, confident and connected to our soul.
They lost. Because by controlling our physical vehicles, they allow us to expand our subtle bodies and our consciousnesses, therefore our power.
They lost. Because by wanting to make us sick, they ultimately give us more free time, rest and rebirth.
They lost. Because by trying to make us disappear in the dark, they make us increase and cultivate our inner Light.
They lost. Because by cutting ourselves off from Mother Nature, we allow her to cleanse and heal, and us, to meditate for her like never before.
They lost. Because by manipulating us to make us slaves, they force us to take back our Sovereignty and our Freedom.
They lost. Because this confinement is a beautiful allegory of our confinement in the 3D matrix, which motivates us even more to ascend towards 5D.
They lost. Because by trying to put us to sleep and submit, they are shaking and awakening all of Humanity.
They lost. Because by infantilizing us, they make us grow. By attacking our elders and our children, they make us roar.
They lost. Because by wanting to weaken us, they strengthen the Warrior of Light who lies dormant in the depths of each of us.
I Wake up Smiling
An Article By Jeanie Marshall
“I wake up smiling“ could be a metaphor for life‘s enlightening moments, a song title about a smile, or the response to transition from sleep to the d... View MoreI Wake up Smiling
An Article By Jeanie Marshall
“I wake up smiling“ could be a metaphor for life‘s enlightening moments, a song title about a smile, or the response to transition from sleep to the days activities.
[I wrote this article in 2008. It reminds me how important it is to not rely on others to smile throughout the day. During this current World Crisis, I find that I smile less, simply because I do not interact with as many people. So I have recommitted myself to smile for no reason.]
I love the “waking-up smile” as a metaphor for enlightenment, and maybe I’ll write a song someday, but I do mean literally that I start each day this way. Often I awaken in the very early morning hours to meditate; I wake up smiling. After my meditation, I sometimes return to bed, so I get a second chance to wake up.
[Read the rest of the article.]
Children are our future. When little, they need our protection and nurturing, regardless of our relationship to them. They need to play with other children.
Not all children are treated with love a... View MoreChildren are our future. When little, they need our protection and nurturing, regardless of our relationship to them. They need to play with other children.
Not all children are treated with love and protection and nurturing.
Some children, even babies, have been tortured and killed for the pleasure of very sick creatures. Some of these creatures you know by name because they have been prominent throughout the world.
If you are unaware of the atrocities against children worldwide, please take some time to inform yourself. You cannot get trusted information from the mainstream media.
If you already know about the atrocities, your loving consciousness is a gift to these children and the first responders.
Remember to be grateful to those who are rescuing the children, even if you do not know them by name.
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