Last time I did Turnips, this time I'm doing Collards. The Turnips weren't bad but I do need to do some tweaking. Let's see how these Collards go. And yes, I used a whole pack of bacon, lol.
Man, I've gotten to where I just delete all friend requests, it's nothing but scammers. On the one hand, that's kind of a good thing because to me it shows that this site is open and free, but on the ... View MoreMan, I've gotten to where I just delete all friend requests, it's nothing but scammers. On the one hand, that's kind of a good thing because to me it shows that this site is open and free, but on the other hand, it degrades the experience here.
The problem isn't exclusive to Wimkin, it's actually everywhere. Computers and connectivity has gotten so affordable that now groups of scammers can peruse the internet for the gullible. It is literally their only job.
I'm a single fella and use dating sites - or at least I used to. But since those sites are now pushing trans people on me, vaccine badges, and of course are crawling with scammers, I've quit them too.
I guess what I'm getting at is the good people have to find the good people and let's let the bad ones find each other. Perfect world!!
West Coast in an epic drought and heat wave, East Coast (where I'm at) we're drowning in daily rain! But, that's not really unusual for South Alabama though, we're sub-tropical here on the Gulf Coast.
I was listening to this guy on the radio this morning and what he said really hit me.
I'd always thought in my mind that Satan tempted Jesus because he wanted to break him. Just like Satan did in the ... View MoreI was listening to this guy on the radio this morning and what he said really hit me.
I'd always thought in my mind that Satan tempted Jesus because he wanted to break him. Just like Satan did in the garden to us, he was going to try and do to Jesus.
But the guy on the radio tells a story about when he was a kid growing up in his country town, a railroad bridge was built, and, after it was done, they brought like a hundred locomotives all whistling and blowing their horns onto the bridge - never heard such racket.
Somebody asked, "what y'all doing, trying to break the bridge?" They replied, "no, we're trying to prove you CAN'T break it."
Satan was given permission to tempt Jesus to show... he couldn't break him! And ofcourse, I immediately thought how weak I am.
I'm so weak.
I'm honestly beginning to suspect there's no one on here but scammers and FBI (Chinese) Agents.
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