Just looking for new friends since I am going to be closing my Facebook account because they like to... View More
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Politics and Elections
The covid virus is something you dont want to get
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Eddie Furr
A complete moron and propaganda fool is something you don't want to be. Looking like it's too late for you.
Well I and my wife tested postive of the covid virus I dont have any smptoms yet but my wife does were both in Quarntine away from other family members for ten days
I 52 yrs old and tested positive a month ago.
Im in good shape and eat healthy.
My experience with covid was what the Iowa dept of health told me is what 98% of the Iowa population experienced.
I woke up at 1130pm not feeling the greatest. I decided to take my temp which was at 101.7. Not that great... View More
The D.O.D. And the CDC are idiots to think we people are going to let them put a deadly vaccine in our bodies who didnt get infected by a germ warfare bio weapon not happening
Well our communist leaders will make it where you will have to take it unless you can live off grid
I work for the state government and am to close to retirement to refuse it. It suck but i have no choice or i can't work.
Just deleted instagram they turned to crap by blocking us trump supporters
Well google and facebook admin are now checking photos before you can post them and google is blocking photos to be posted on wimkin I tried a minute ago from my photos and they wouldnt let me send th... View More
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