
Bree shared
Please join us in my new group to speak up for the children.
Bree created group SpeakUpNowForTheChildren
Save Our Children
377 members
We are a group against child trafficking and also fighting CPS. We help educate on the dangers of trafficking by providing true facts and statistics, and update and make known the perpetrators who commit these heinous crimes against our children. CPS and Foster care play a huge role in trafficking by illegal activities of taking children on false accusations , and adoption to pedophiles. Once a child leaves the Foster system, either by aging out or running away , the system no longer follows up on them . A run away Foster child is usually not even reported missing. We try to help you keep your children by fighting the system fairly and referring you to people and resources that can help. We are not attorneys we just care .
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Come join the new group!
192 members
For generations and centuries, citizens of Canada and the United States have understood the importance and value of freedom.Now we are imploding, there are those that seek to disrupt and destroy us from within.In our community, we will discuss a variety of issues and topics.Elites and Corrupt Politicians, if not stopped, with their Organizations like BLM and Antifa will lead us down the designed path of destruction in order for the much talked about One World Order to move in to control our economies and peoples.We are only a few by comparison and we effort to wake up the MASSES.Please feel free to invite your family members, friends and colleagues to join our group, together as a team we can make the change.
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