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Alex Winter
Untrue. The USA does 600k or so abortions per year, not all of which have anything to do with planned parenthood. At that rate, 2 weeks would be ~23k if ALL abortions were from planned parenthood.
THIS is why yall can't understand the election results.
Samuel HuttonSH
Samuel Hutton
Thanks for that deep and riveting insight! But i dont think it was the point of the post.
Johnny Chick Follow The White Rabbit
IMHO this will help put Patriot's minds at ease over the current election situation;
(13 minutes and 50 seconds)
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Breaking Down the Greatest Electoral Heist In American History
The pieces are finally coming together, and they reveal a masterpiece of electoral larceny involving Big Tech oligarchs, activists, and government officials who prioritize partisanship over patriotism
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