Does the definition not resemble or represent more an Islamic government than one of free individuals? And if you were to tie in erroneous forms of ... View More
Does the definition not resemble or represent more an Islamic government than one of free individuals? And if you were to tie in erroneous forms of government, would it not end in ruin, apart from true and lasting freedom?
The leftist organization favors the definition more than those they propose do.
Definition of FASCISM
Fascism definition is - a political philosophy, movement, or regime (such as that of the Fascisti) that exalts nation and often race above the individual and that stands for a centralized autocratic g
"Our government relies on the faith though we have a self-governed people."
The faith was neither catholic tyranny nor was it Islamic oppression. Obamas "change," for example, really was an evil twi... View More"Our government relies on the faith though we have a self-governed people."
The faith was neither catholic tyranny nor was it Islamic oppression. Obamas "change," for example, really was an evil twisting of context.
We've still got to take back education and free the people.
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