Mind Opener !!
American Author Alison Weir candidly testifies about the tragedy of Zionism.
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Will Jones
"Zion" means "perfect/perfection" in Hebrew; and, true Jews (all exterminated by the Roman Anti-Christ following their mass-witness of the Resurrection) and their spiritual (and blood-kin) heirs, God's "Righteous Remnant," viz. repentant Christian Gentiles, know only the Deity, Creator of Existence,... View More
Liberalism is incompatible with Christianity -
Governments are instituted to protect citizens and maintain conditions under which they may flourish.
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Legacy of Illegitimacy -
US government and establishment media have lost all credibility after a stolen election and 4 years of a vacuous figurehead administration.
https://cyberspacelinkdock.com/le... View More
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Covidemic Lessons Learned -
The pandemic planners come for hoof and hen… and us again.
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Christmas tidings of “peace on earth, good will toward men” herald
transcendent truth to a fallen world.
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U.S.-backed terrorists take over Syria -
The destruction of Syria is another evil operation by the imperialist West.
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