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Angry Italiano
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Viking Gator
Yes. We made our own platform. Phoenixsocialnetwork.org
November 28, 2020
Angry Tacklebox421 2A
Hey Gator is Dale working on phoenix this morning? Opened it up and theres nothing there. Just wondering
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Viking Gator
Yes, but Phoenix is back up.
November 15, 2020
Jeremy Smith
Just wanna give a shout out and thanks to my brothers Gator and Angry Viking for your guys sevice and all my other Angry Viking family who have served! Love you guys!
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Edmund Brightwell
Got any ideal how to catch up with Av His show kept me going where is he
November 16, 2020
Viking Gator
Viking Gator replied - 1 reply
Chevy Tyler
Whats going on? Its like viking fell off the face of the planet
November 17, 2020
Viking Gator
Viking Gator replied - 1 reply
Bill Caracofe
Happy Veterans Day Brother. Thank You.
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Viking Gator
Thank YOU, sir!!
November 11, 2020
Tina Saunders
Missing not being able to watch the rally! Wish i was in the ???? woukd hsve Been there!
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