CEO of Canada's Leading Caribbean Newspaper, the Toronto Caribbean Newspaper & TCN TV Network. Inter... View More
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Toronto Caribbean Newspaper
World leaders are now talking about a new direction for civilization that they have decided for us - communicating the same vision and message but yet we were never asked. So many over the years have ... View More
The Awakening World Truth Summit - Date Coming Soon!
The Awakening World Truth Summit Official date to be announced soon! Follow for more information Facebook:
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Toronto Caribbean Newspaper
In a survey of 10,969 Canadian small businesses from the Canadian Federation of Independent Business, about 22% of small businesses have had their revenue drop to $0 during the pandemic.
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Thousands of businesses no longer exist all due to the pandemic
BY SIMONE J. SMITH I write this article with a heavy heart. It has been one thing to watch people get sick, live in fear, deal with mental health challenges, and not have enough food to eat. It has be