Shoot this theory down…. I believe Trump was installed by the left intentionally because they knew killary had no shot. Why did nothing stick to Trump as far as the charges brought on him. To divide ... View MoreShoot this theory down…. I believe Trump was installed by the left intentionally because they knew killary had no shot. Why did nothing stick to Trump as far as the charges brought on him. To divide us. The whole thing was to divide us. Trump stepped down, there has been no charges brought up on anyone regarding fraud, bidens, clinton group, etc. And now we have had over a year of Trumps minions telling us something huge is coming soon…. Why do we keep hearing this shut? To keep the patriots from storming the capitals.. to give us time to adjust to this new “normal”. We have absolute criminals in all branches of the government, we have literally been lied to about everything for the past 50 plus years, from the running out of crude oil to the impending ice age upon us to global warming ti climate change to the AIDS epidemic to Covid.
We get upset but eventually we accept and try to move on with our lives.
These claims of something big coming up soon are all bullshit with a zero percent accuracy. Another string of lies. We are absolutely divided, and now they are conquoring.
Without armed revolution, we ARE DONE
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