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Taylor Greg

Male. Lives in Athens, Georgia, United States. Born on July 23, 2017. Is widowed.
Taylor Greg
Had a great time in the pool, i guess am looking huge and different, hahaha. Please don't get confused i go to Gym a lot...?
Like (2)
I will take a pass thanks for the pic of the pool
November 18, 2020
Danielle Quinn
You really cant tell you go to the gym at all... haha! Missing summer already!
November 18, 2020
John Q Anon
Is gym a close friend?
November 18, 2020
John Q Anon
John Q Anon replied - 2 replies
Taylor Greg
When i was on a low cut....?
Taylor Greg
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Kristy Barnes
Working the night shift? Hope you get some rest today! Thanks for being out there taking care of us! Not all heros wear capes!
November 18, 2020
Taylor Greg
Taylor Greg replied - 2 replies
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