When false hope is continuously spewed it does indeed cause the good, God fearing, Family loving, Country respecting, Humanity caring, Patriots to become complacent while the lying, cheating,leftist... View MoreWhen false hope is continuously spewed it does indeed cause the good, God fearing, Family loving, Country respecting, Humanity caring, Patriots to become complacent while the lying, cheating,leftist/racist Dem party of hatred, destruction, chaos and EVIL continue on their demonic path. Relentlessly pushing their satanic agenda. Think back to 2016... the promised indictments, arrests,gitmo,MOABS,Resets, panic in DC,swamp exposed,Buckle up, Biblical yada..yada..yada..Time for the good guys to stop believing the news, Arm yourselves,go to target practice, buy chit loads of ammunition, Form your own MILITIAS by the hundreds of thousands and get your Country back for the sake of your beloved families and loved ones