Coronaviruses are the ideal sort of virus to fear monger, because many people have traces of such virus fragments inside their bodies. And since the PCR (polymerase chain reaction) tests are not actu... View MoreCoronaviruses are the ideal sort of virus to fear monger, because many people have traces of such virus fragments inside their bodies. And since the PCR (polymerase chain reaction) tests are not actually capable to detecting COVID-19 specifically, the mafia medica can exploit this ambiguity to hype up an unfounded threat.
Furthermore, while the tests lack the required precision necessary to definitively detect the presence of COVID-19, these tests have been exposed in recent stories as being so sensitive that they can picnic up past infections. This has been reported in many major media. However, the lawmakers apparently think they can ignore these big problems when deciding on policies such as masking, social distancing and quarantine. Are the lawmakers being paid off by mafia medica?