Trump is my President!
Hello Patriots. Hope everyone is having a great day today. I’m feeling less stressed out today, than I was just yesterday, and if many of you watch this 40+ minutes video, especially from around the 1... View More
Whoz Your Prez? Derek Johnson Explains It's DJT...& ByeDen got a Funeral Service on Jan 20 2021 😜
Derek Johnson, an army veteran who had top secret clearance while serving in the military, has emerged as a new darling to the truth folks. In this edited version of his much longer video, he explai
Ok this guy isn't bad, I watched this the other night. Some of his info is way off though. He's dead on about alot as well. There is no executive order with 11.3.20 stated for 1 thing. There's other stuff that's just not correct. Just be careful, there's so much info out there sometimes it's hard to... View More
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This picture will probably be the next one to get me thrown off that is Hunter's niece and her friend I've seen a video of her with hunter in her mouth the niece
I also keep in touch with old friends and family my kids they don't want to be on a political site