God never blesses sin. That election was outright stolen. He hates unjust measures -- look at the fake ballots and the vote-stealing online. God hates injustice, the honest poll workers were stopped f... View MoreGod never blesses sin. That election was outright stolen. He hates unjust measures -- look at the fake ballots and the vote-stealing online. God hates injustice, the honest poll workers were stopped from doing their jobs. God hates perversion of justice, He was not smiling on the SCOTUS when they refused time and again to hear the court cases Sidney Powell brought to them with monumental proof of corruption, nor was He smiling on the justices for betraying the Constitution and the country when John Roberts yelled at them and bulied them for not voting the way he told them to vote on the case, because he feared riots and attacks on their homes rather than honoring his oath and standing for impartial justice on the cases in spite of the danger. God hates treason, He is not happy with Pence for certifying a false, corrupt election instead of sending the electoral votes back to the states for a forensic examination for fraud for 10 days, and setting the stage for the House and Senate to vote for POTUS and VPOTUS; not to mention the senators minus six who refused to support President Trump KNOWING there was voter fraud -- shame on them. God did not choose a paedophilic, incestmongering, bribetaking traitor when people overwhelmingly voted for a righteous man to take office, however imperfect he may be -- and people were cleaning up the mess from the previous administration to show their thanks for God answering their prayers. What, did God change His mind and say, "forget their hard work stopping abortion; forget fixing the economy, jobs, military, peace deals with Israel; forget arresting and incarcerating the paedophiles and human traffickers; forget fighting the c19 flu; forget their prayers for their good leaders, forget Trump protecting Christianity, let Me punish them and put them back in the filthy snake pits where they were before, despite their efforts to shape up"? No. God is not sadistic like that and He is not heinous like that. The devil would do that because he wants people dead. God wants us to LIVE and prosper, especially the trafficked kids. If we continue to fight on and never give up, become warriors instead of wimps, God will remove this archdemon of hell and help us continue saving the kids.
Blah Blah Blah, your god did absolutely NOTHING, much like it did absolutely NOTHING to help Germany's Jews in WWII. Time to lose your belief in your IMAGINARY god and come back to the REAL WORLD