4 members
About IV Patriots.
A group for God-fearing, family-centered, country-loving Imperial Valley Patriots to be introduced to one another and share thoughts and experiences related to the ideal that the United States is the best country on the planet, created by some of the wisest founders known to man, and endorsed by God as a beacon of hope for all mankind.
For the most part, we will all be of similar mind; but we should challenge our beliefs; question the party line; test our philosophy; support each other in the journey; and maybe most importantly, set an example to others what a true Patriot is.
One does not need to agree with everything here. But we should treat each other with respect. We do not feel the need to immediately resort to name-calling and personal attacks. That said, this is not a safe space in the sense that the left defines safe spaces. BS should be and will be called when appropriate, and a spade will be called a spade when it is a spade. As Patriots, we should know that our ideals are correct and can stand on merit, and we should constantly remind ourselves and others what those merits are....
Because the alternative is just not acceptable.