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Danielle Miller

Female. Is married.
Danielle Miller
Something has got to be done about this. ASAP. Biden's entire family needs to be sent to Ukraine to answer to these allegations. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hKDXVo-OKeQ&feature=emb_logo
Danielle Miller
Well shit, got put in twitter jail tonight for saying the need to bring back the gallows and a certain SoS of GA should be seen in them. Not the exact words and apparently Twitter didn't like that.
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Rob Moore
Fuck Twitter
December 16, 2020
Truth, they are afraid of truth. I was on facisctbook messenger earlier and wrote x22 report and it banned it. Didnt ban my screenshot of it and i posted it with the ban. Roaches run when you turn on a light. Social media runs from truth like the roaches
December 16, 2020
Danielle Miller
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There will be no peace for the DemonRats. Not on single day will they Not one restful night will these evil bastards have.
December 5, 2020
Danielle Miller
Danielle Miller
My dad (Marine Vietnam Vet) once told me that doctors randomly lobotomized babies and that was where Democrats came from. Thought it was a bit morbid at the time my now I'm wondering.
Danielle Miller
PA you rock!! Feed for the PA hearing today. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZYtwfyi78Bs
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