Something has got to be done about this. ASAP. Biden's entire family needs to be sent to Ukraine to answer to these allegations.
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Well shit, got put in twitter jail tonight for saying the need to bring back the gallows and a certain SoS of GA should be seen in them. Not the exact words and apparently Twitter didn't like that.
Truth, they are afraid of truth. I was on facisctbook messenger earlier and wrote x22 report and it banned it. Didnt ban my screenshot of it and i posted it with the ban. Roaches run when you turn on a light. Social media runs from truth like the roaches
There will be no peace for the DemonRats. Not on single day will they Not one restful night will these evil bastards have.
PA you rock!! Feed for the PA hearing today.
Enjoy the videos and music you love, upload original content, and share it all with friends, family, and the world on YouTube.
"or the right of the people peaceably to assemble"!
Enjoy your Thanksgiving Patriots!!
Amendment I
Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise... View More
Paper Ballot Shredding Post-Election
Ballot Shredding Facts - In certain jurisdictions, once an election has been certified, paper ballots must be destroyed by paper shredding.
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L Lin Wood is the best ever
Lin Wood on Twitter
Cobb County GA Patriots are helping reveal lies. Susan Knox is American hero. More video from Susan to follow.
She caught A1 on video & now A1 will cooperate. A1 was played by traitors in Cobb Co
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Snip: "Pede" identified two states -- Virginia and Minnesota -- where there were hundreds of thousands of "votes lost," a sure indicator of fraud, even though those states' votes are not being recount... View More
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The entire post is listed in the comments (2-35). A must read and we must trust Sidney and give her all the support we can. Post this where ever we can! View More
Pasquale "Pat" Scopelliti on Twitter
23 November 2020 #MAGAanalysis
@SidneyPowell1 Represents Us
#ITrustSidney #SidneyPowellRepresentsMe
What an amazing American Story. First she gives her all to saving @GenFlynn. Then she turns to
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