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Curtis Melton

Male. Born on February 25, 1968.
Curtis Melton
You have to be a f****** moron not to realize he's gone away I don't think he's in the White House my God you people what are you eating stupid sandwiches he won't be back you can bet your sweet ass o... View More
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Ed Glenn
he was never the same after he attended Davos in 2020
May 22, 2021
Magilla Guerrilla
They used a bullet on Kennedy .....they used electronics to take out Trump and they will do it again.
May 22, 2021
Clint Heisler
I bet this moron still beLIEves the Russian collusion,got the jab & is still wearing a mask.
May 22, 2021
Curtis Melton
I thought God was our only hope this man lied to us I don't know what happened to you Americans with but are a bunch of ignorant motherfukers her so much he didn't do in office he allowed rioting to ... View More
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Magilla Guerrilla
I don't trust many .....if Any! To many questions unanswered and why's!
May 22, 2021
Bill Stancombe
Sounds like somebody's pussy hurts
May 22, 2021
I dint trust jim Jorden Matt gates Or any of em They all can do something but arent !! ... View More
May 22, 2021
Curtis Melton
Wonder when this is going to happen should have already happened we're cowards we are not going to do nothing cuz we are chickenshit problem with this country there's no more President Washington sold... View More
Curtis Melton
I'm just amazed that you people think they can't do anything they want f****** wake up you listen 2 every f****** lie they tell you the day government's gone is the day America will be great again we ... View More
Curtis Melton
Let's get one thing straight people start talking like we know something the government did this people have nothing to do with putting this clown in the office you understand that right each every Am... View More
Curtis Melton
There's a lot of women out there selling there selves like crazy well I won't tolerate it I want nothing to do with that type of woman you want to be my friend that's great I love Americans the rest ... View More
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