Trump is keeping his promises.
Trump Deploys U.S. Marines to Southern Border - Geller Report
The country was invaded. Millions of illegals came into this country, Hostile nations released violent criminals and the criminally insane. When the going. gets tough, the Trump gets going. Promises
Thank you President Trump!!!
President Trump Bans Central Bank Digital Currency (CBDC) In Huge Win For Freedom - Geller Report
Winning! "This was going to be abused by big banks as a social credit score where they could freeze your money for wrong think."
The UN needs to be abolished. Never again has become now.
Freed Hostages Say Hamas Held Them in United Nations Facilities
UNRWA has long maintained close and cordial relations with Gaza’s ruling Hamas terrorist organization.
How stealth jihad operates in America.
Hizb'Allah Official Mohammad Raad: "We Already Have Muslim Students Agitating. [They] Will Destabilize Their Own Countries." - Geller Report
"We should invest in the Western students. We need to enter the heart of Western societies." The enemy within is a direct threat to our nation.
No more terrorist training on American college campuses!
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