YouTube TV is being advertised on YOUTUBE for $64.99..... during a pandemic, when people are starving and homeless. Epoch Times is charging..... Amazon is allowing folks to charge triple for goods tha... View MoreYouTube TV is being advertised on YOUTUBE for $64.99..... during a pandemic, when people are starving and homeless. Epoch Times is charging..... Amazon is allowing folks to charge triple for goods that people need and have either horded, or are fake reproductions.....Is there really a pandemic? Are people really losing their homes and unable to buy food due to shutdowns and buyouts of necessities? How are wealthy CEO'S helping their employees? Anybody? Life seems to go on for some, not so for others. Our America has tilted 180 degrees. Why was it allowed? Why is lawlessness ok for some, but not for others? What? People gave up on Jesus. Thats what. IN MY OPINION, folks. Ye reap what ye sow. Stay home folks. Stay safe. Stay off the sites that censor you. The only thing that can hurt THEM, is their wallet. Stocks are going down. Fasten your seatbelts. Pray for us all....even our enemies. I know...thats really hard, but praying opens doors for Jesus to go and help, THEM. and us too, of course. Take heart :-) However this turns out, it will all be sorted out in the end, when it counts. Be nice. Be safe. Be lawful. Do not be selfish or self centered. Just pray for us all. <3 Jesus has got this. ;-)