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Charles Stewart
Where can I find the Wimkin application so I can share it with my friends? I can't find it anywhere anymore.
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Machelle Mathis Hager
On wimkin.com it is at bottom of page
January 20, 2021
Charles Stewart
Charles Stewart
Has anyone else noticed a bit of a "weirdness" with commercials lately?
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Charles Stewart
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Charles Stewart
If someone asks you why you aren't wearing a mask, is telling them that you have a medical condition called "Testicular Fortitude" a lie?
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Charles Stewart
I am a truck driver for Orscheln's Farm and Home. After asking the manager of the store that I am delivering to about whether or not he has any ammunition in stock, I am wondering just how many times ... View More
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Charles Stewart
It's just a thought! If I was trying to engineer a deadly virus, the target of which was people in a foreign country AND I had friends or relatives that owned restaurants that served exotically spicy ... View More
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Charles Stewart
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