America can't take another three years of Biden/Harris.
If the past seven months has shown us anything, its that this adminastration has no clue what they are doing and are destroying this country.
Your chances of dieing from covid is 0.05%
With the extreamly low chance of getting covid.
Why are we being forced to be afraid?
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When this happens, it's usually because the owner only shared it with a small group of people or changed who can see it, or it's been deleted.
$3.5 trillion spending bill
330 million americans
$10606 per person.
... View More$3.5 trillion spending bill
330 million americans
$10606 per person.
Just think what it would be like if the government reduced taxes for that amount or just gave it back to the american tax payer.
But your government only thinks you're worth $600.
We tried masks: failed
We tried lockdowns: failed
We tried untested vaccines: failed
We tried distancing: failed
... View MoreWe tried masks: failed
We tried lockdowns: failed
We tried untested vaccines: failed
We tried distancing: failed
So what does the government want to do again?
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