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Riley Dixon

Female. Is single.
Riley Dixon
So...infrastructure talks, shut down. Basically working on anything that helps this country or Americans gets nipped in the bud. Motions that affects voting, getting raises, getting more perks,etc for... View More
Riley Dixon
I was just put in FB jail for 7 days for "hate speech" because I said how fucked up it is to send trillions offshore and throw crumbs to Americans. An obvious Liberal attacked by saying that the tril... View More
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Maybe its time to permanently leave Facebook
January 9, 2021
Robyn replied - 2 replies
Tammy Mckinney
Their brown shirt squealers are so proud of themselves for their part in tyrrany! They will get their just deserts!
January 9, 2021
Welcome to the club. I'm in fb jail till February 5th for telling Democrats to stop trying to pretend they are pure as the driven snow. I live in Oregon which is unreal! Keep up the fight after all our President hasn't stopped
January 9, 2021
Riley Dixon
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Tianna Rooney
I would rather not have it, vs much higer taxes!
December 7, 2020
Riley Dixon
I keep getting a notice that "this information can't be shared with you" on most things. I get 10 notifications but when i click on the bell, one shows up everytime, then the notification is bsck at ... View More
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Riley Dixon
The only place I can actually go to is this thread over and over. If you consider the fact a person who paid to participate in a website consistently cannot access portions of it and says so as passive aggressive, then I'm happy to get my paltry 10.99 returned from my bank and can happily fuck off.... View More
November 22, 2020
November 22, 2020
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