US Army Veteran Living in Enemy Territory. Working in Cyber Security, which is 90% Leftists 😔 Vote M... View More
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Amnesty? Sorry Children, time to learn life lessons. Not everyone gets a trophy 🏆 and your actions have consequences.
Amnesty 😂😂🤣🤣
Anti-Israel Encampment Established at Fordham University Hours... View More
Anti-Israel Encampment Established at Fordham University Hours After Police Raided Others
An anti-Israel encampment was established at Fordham University in New York City on Wednesday, hours after ones at other colleges were raided.
Angry (2)
Butt Boy Trudeau? #canada Fight This BS
Trudeau Regime To Give Over $100 Million to Pro-Pedophilia Movement
The Trudeau regime has announced plans to donate over $100 million in taxpayer funds to pro-pedophilia groups in Canada who want to decriminalize sex
Yep Most of already know, Thanks!
#covidvaccine #deathjab
New Study From Czech Republic Confirms Covid Vaccines Have Around Zero Efficacy Against Death – The Daily Sceptic
A new study from the Czech Republic confirms that Covid vaccines have around zero efficacy against death, with any apparent effect an illusion due to biases in the data, says epidemiologist Prof Eyal
No Thank You..
#microsoft #ai #propaganda
Microsoft AI releases scary new deepfake technology that could make many newscasters, podcasters obsolete –
Microsoft Research Asia is forging on with a new transhumanist program called VASA that creates “lifelike talking faces of virtual characters with appealing visual effective skills (VAS), given a sing
This link has a demo video...
Pretty convincing but you can still tell...
Give it a year...
#2024trump #deportationforce #cleanupamerica
Exclusive: 'Explain to me why we don't have the right to exist' - Eva Vlaardingerbroek warns whites about massive demographic changes in their home countries
You’ve spoken a lot about White rights and the White replacement. But of course this kind of opens you up to these accusations of racism. So, how do
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What even? This is not a coincidence!
#newmexico #derailment #evacuation
Train Explodes after Major Derailment in New Mexico, Evacuations Ordered - Slay News
A freight train has derailed near the New Mexico-Arizona state line, triggering a large explosion, according to reports.