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MaryBlanton Ware
Please read…. The Government, The Media and The Pharmaceutical Companies are LYING TO YOU!!!!
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MaryBlanton Ware
MaryBlanton Ware
What IS Walmart selling??? Boycott Walmart for their involvement in child trafficking!!!!
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MaryBlanton Ware
I am in search of a post from the last three days about a lawyer that had legal paperwork to protect un-vaccinated people. There were many other types of paperwork as well… Does anyone have this and ... View More
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Christopher Werland
Me too, please!
July 14, 2021
Andrew Peterson is nothing but a West African Scammer!
August 9, 2021
MaryBlanton Ware
MaryBlanton Ware
Please read, sign and pass on to everyone who will sign.... signatures needed before Nov 25....
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