Death On The Beach, short story by Brian Lee Clements
Jack Donovan heads back to Florida when he finds the person who caused his deafness is seen. What will happen to Jack? Will Jack survive? Who will Death on the Beach By Brian Clements It’s b
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Our Trip To South Florida (My Dear True Friend) Our Trip To South Florida (My Dear True Friend) eBook : Clements, Brian Lee: Kindle Store
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Avalanche on I-70, short story by Brian Lee Clements
David and Carol go on their new adventure in this sequel to The Reunion. Carol ends up in a surreal place after going through an avalanche on InterstAvalanche On I-70 By Brian Lee Clements David
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How Do You Get a Mime To Speak?, short story by Brian Lee Clements
Jack Donovan and his wife, Kate, are still dealing with his deafness. Meanwhile they decide to have a party for their 16 year old with mimes as the hHow Do You Get A Mime To Speak? By Brian Lee Cle
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