So, the cabal is supposed to be in charge. They are neither Democrat or Republican. They are Satan's chosen ones to lead everyone away from God just as Satan did many centuries ago. It is his plan to... View MoreSo, the cabal is supposed to be in charge. They are neither Democrat or Republican. They are Satan's chosen ones to lead everyone away from God just as Satan did many centuries ago. It is his plan to make his own government (beast) separate from and having nothing to do with God. He has been at it for thousands of years. This 8th king (the new world order) is being forming out of the seventh as we speak. His chosen cabal will do anything to keep Trump out of office as he was a serious threat to their plan. So they pulled their strings, fixed the 2020 elections, tried to get rid of any remnants against them, and succeeded, sort of. They were able to win a battle, but the war is not over. They are already at it again with their plans, but there is a larger group of Gods people that are starting to wake up and pray against them. Its happening right before our eyes, and yet there are still those who are blinded.
On a side note, its interesting to watch McConnell squirm when asked if he will support the Republican nominee even if it is Trump. He knows the cabal playbook and is helping it, yet he knows Trump is very much against it. He has to "maintain" public opinion by showing support, but knows he is dead set against it. He is drowning in his own pride and fear of the cabal.