I am new here and going to exercise my free speech.
I believe Trump won. I do not believe we are being told the truth about almost anything. I believe that there is a war greater than most can imagine... View MoreI am new here and going to exercise my free speech.
I believe Trump won. I do not believe we are being told the truth about almost anything. I believe that there is a war greater than most can imagine going on between good and evil (God and Satan). I do not think this Covid thing is as it appears either. I think a lot of people are completely blind to these things and others. I do not blame them, or even think it is completely their fault. And I will admit that I can be wrong as well. These are my beliefs, that's all.
I am however levelheaded enough to know that there are some who I believe have gone into the deep end, on both sides of the political spectrum. To think they haven't would be foolish.
Therefore you have your thoughts just as well as I have mine. We will not change each other, but we still must get along.
It is my sincere hope that I can remember this during my time here. I have learned a lot on Facebook about these things and I do not plan on a repeat here.
I am a simple guy, just trying to get through this time on earth as well as I can. I provide for my family and hopefully am not going to be a burden on society when I get old. I am a small business trying to deal with policies that are not always there in my favor. But I deal with it. And in dealing with it, I have learned that there must be some lines drawn in how I portray my business. Comingling business with politics is a necessary but dangerous business and one I hope I can find a balance in.
It would be really nice to be in the company of people like yourself who know that we are all fallible, all doing the best we can to find the truth and behave accordingly. People act like animals sometimes and seem to not be able to disagree with one another without becoming violent.