White Hats Blow Whistle On Great Reset Social Score Software 🤯Get to know Korina: After a heart operation, Korina began to have a special connection with her Higher Self, downloading her book from the Akashic Archives in 49 hours of writing, as well as sophisticated methods of manifesting and healing.Korina knows that you can activate your brain and raise your awareness!Read more about Korina and her techniques at ⟶ https://en.korinas.academy/Follow Korina on Social Media:▹https://facebook.com/korinalymnioudi▹https://twitter.com/korinalymnioudi▹https://instagram.com/korinalymnioudi▹https://tiktok.com/@korinalymnioudiIf you want to change your reality for the better, start manifesting your goals and raise your awareness, then send me a FREE text message on Viber: +306906069077Join us in our "HIGHVIBERS" Viber group!Get my book "The Book That Writes Itself" now: http://korinas.academy/thebook/"Maya is a creature coming from the future. Her mission is to get across some messages to the human race. This is the reason why she transmits this book trough some kind of channeling.Maya is a messenger, the writers future self who transmitted this book in just 49 hours of writing."▹ All important links are found on our portal: https://orderofmen.wixsite.com/joinA former intelligence official who goes by the name of Gideon is representing a group IT professionals, aka white hat hackers, who have come forward to expose new banking and social tracking software being developed. The software is expected to come online after a "financial reset" and economic collapse. The software, called CSRQ-SM, contains various class categories for the world's population that greatly restrict freedom, capital and private property, as well as enforce fines and vaccinations. The IT professionals reached out to Gideon to help disseminate the information. Gideon then contacted close associates, those he considered patriots, to help form a network to release it. Gideon says protecting his sources is his highest priority because "without them doing this, none of this is possible. They are risking their lives. They are breaking their contracts and security clearances to get this information out. We have a short window of time before this thing turns the planet into a prison. We expect to get hit hard. They will escalate us from a low-level threat to a high one pretty quick. If people don't support us, we're finished."Permission to copy, download and re-upload this video is granted. The video's speed has been increased 10%.All important links are found on our portal: https://orderofmen.wixsite.com/joinOculum Labs is working with Gideon along with Bill Sweet, their info can be accessed at: https://OculumLabs.com▹Gideon's story: https://orderofmen.wixsite.com/join/g...▹Interview Q & A: https://oculumlabs.com/interview-with...▹DarkDayz is helping with comms at: https://twitter.com/DarkDayz20▹Official Twitter: https://twitter.com/OMNeverRetreat▹Official Telegram announcements: https://t.me/resistthereset2022▹Official Telegram group: https://t.me/resisttheresetgroup▹Official email: SurviveTheReset@proton.me▹About the CSRQ-SM software: https://oculumlabs.com/about-the-csrq...▹The CSRQ-SM class system explained: https://oculumlabs.com/facts-about-ea...Music credit:SONG: Never SurrenderARTIST: Anno Domini BeatsMusic: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eYGd3...
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