on September 12, 2022 157 views
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Alfred w Yaney
What allot of you don't think about is the engines have allot of Titanium in them and the Aircraft has highly compressed Pure Oxygen tanks inside. Yea.
September 12, 2022
No one is disputing an explosion but it was more than what the jet engines caused.. The official story of that day was told on live TV by reporters, policemen, firefighters, and other on the scene eyewitnesses, however, that footage was shown only once on live television broadcasts in the first hour... View More
September 12, 2022
Jan wallage
Jan wallage replied - 3 replies
Alfred w Yaney
Well I have no idea if it was planned. If it was the WEF would be pulling the strings. GEORGE W. said... New World Order... All I am saying is that there was a fuel/ air explosion.
September 12, 2022 Edited
Alfred w Yaney
Alfred w Yaney replied - 2 replies