Ann M Wolf
on November 14, 2020 50 views

Description: Haunting orchestrations & Ann M Wolf's bold words echo the hearts of Americans who know how close to the edge of losing Liberty our nation could be during these treacherous times. But this message is one of hope, because, for millions of us, our values are deeply embedded in our hearts & souls; and like our Statue of Liberty, we can each carry the torch in our own unique way as we keep the vision for our Republic Alive within us. This video is offered with love & respect, from Ann M. Wolf, in honor of all those who have stood for Liberty and who work & pray ceaselessly today, on behalf of our Nation and it's citizens.

Note from Ann M. Wolf: “Dearest American Patriots & Lovers of Liberty from around the world; Many have asked me how I could actually state that "America Is Alive & Well" during these perilous times when there is so much division and unrest with so many openly wishing to replace the options of Liberty with the false promises of socialism or some other form of "rule." I say, that as long as we have breath, we can affirm, we can celebrate, we can live on foundation of freedom, remembering the lessons already learned by those who established this nation and have since defended it; and no-one can take that vision from us any more than they could rip the Spirit of Christ from our hearts. So, in the spirit of gratitude we continue to speak the value of Liberty, to honor those who have obtained it and defended it; and each in our own way we can become the living embodiment of a life lived well under the opportunity and grace which we still have. Be encouraged, and keep your eyes more on the Lighthouse than the storm. I am with you in heart and spirit. Your servant in Liberty and in Christ, Ann M. Wolf”

"I stand for that Liberty by which I can choose accomplishment over despondency and vision over despair; I give all glory and thanksgiving to God, the originator of Mercy and by Who's Grace, we have seen this grand experiment called "America," unfold."  Ann M. Wolf from the Narration, "America Is Alive & Well & Living in our Souls." c 2013 - BMI

"America is indeed a Vision and one unable to be held captive by any enemy, foreign or domestic, because the Vision for "America born in Liberty," was God-inspired & is God-Given."  Ann M. Wolf - From the Narration, "America Is Alive & Well & Living in our Souls."
c 2013 - BMI

"Let us not allow ourselves to slip into the dreamland of impossible social utopias since spiritual growth and accomplishment are still a matter of individual choice, often coupled with the application of sustained hard work, yet all stemming from the personal character."  Ann M. Wolf - From the Narration, "America Is Alive & Well & Living in our Souls." c 2013 - BMI

"America Is Alive & Well & Living In Our Souls" - Narration written by Ann M. Wolf - Words c 2013 - BMI

NOTE FROM ANN M. WOLF ABOUT A CONTROVERSIAL IMAGE IN THIS VIDEO: "There is one image in this video which show the good works of those who labored tirelessly for years, seeking to gain the release of POW Sgt. Bergdahl. Their efforts were sincere and correct; and many thousands have no regrets in spite of the outcome of this story with regard to the allegations against Sgt. Bergdahl or the behavior of his father in the oval office the day that Bergdahl's release was announced. The Patriots who stood by the Bergdahl family during the whole ordeal after Bergdahl's capture, did so with dignity and genuine concern because they operated from the creed, "Leave no man behind." ...CONTINUE READING:

Soundtracks & opening soundtracks...
By Tracy Collins:
& additional soundtrack contributions by...
Mark Emery:




NOTE: This Video is offered for the purpose of inspiration & education; images & music are either original by Ann M. Wolf or are used by permission, by license, with some images having been obtained from (what the artist believes) are public domain sites. Please advise if any images require additional licenses or permissions. Thank you.

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