Developing and launching an online shop website is only part of the task. To get your first sales and keep your financial figures high, you need to make the site popular and visited. It is important not to suffer a loss and to focus on high-quality, targeted traffic. Low traffic to a resource is not always a consequence of poor buying power and high competition in a niche. Often the problem is related to typical internal and external causes. Because of faulty server performance web pages can take a long time to load or do not respond to user requests. In such circumstances traffic often drops to critical points. Confusing navigation, lack of adaptive version for mobile devices, unstructured content, technical flaws - all errors related to user experience inevitably lead to a drop in traffic. Common mistakes when assembling a semantic core greatly slow down the search engine promotion of a website. First of all, this is the use of queries, dummy queries for which there are no hits, oversampled keyword phrases, optimizing pages for the wrong queries. Relevant content - the main tool to attract new visitors. The growth potential of the resource largely depends on the quality of its content. But you should not just post interesting and useful information, but to do so with a systematic regularity. Attendance is one of the key performance indicators of any commercial resource. Improving the website is a never-ending process, in the course of which you can do a lot of work to attract new visitors. The main thing is to choose the right and effective methods and to take into account the logic of search engines.
Bet on an attractive design and quality optimization, make sure the layout is correct, run well-planned advertising campaigns. Constantly improve the site, think about what else can interest visitors so that they return to the online shop again.
A lot depends on your choice: how much money you have to spend on building the site, how modern the shop will be, whether it will be relevant in five years, whether there will be good traffic from search, and whether the online shop will be successful in the end. There are now many platforms on the e-commerce software market for building an online shop. Different companies offer their own solutions - cloud-based, boxed, paid, free. When choosing an online shop engine, be sure to look ahead. Make sure the platform has a maximum of useful features, and that it can be freely and inexpensively modified to suit your needs.
Magento offers a good framework for optimization and scalability, as well as a predictable architecture that makes the work of the IT team transparent to the business. Magento easily acts as a backend for mobile applications and various terminals.
PWA will speed up the site - it's guaranteed. Winning one second, or even fractions of a second, is something that the modern website struggles for every day. Speed is very important and as a consequence conversions. PWA is close to native technology, pulling up information from the user's phone - location, first name, last name. The app can take this data so that the user only partially fills out the checkout. As a result it is possible to order in one click or even without internet connection. Secondly, PWA is a headless architecture. The independent operation of the frontend and backend allows for more painless technical work on the site. You can even replace the backend engine, and users won't feel the switch. Thirdly, the specificity of updates on PWAs is that unlike native apps, coordination with Google Play or the Apple Store is not necessary. With a typical mobile app an update needs to be technically validated by Google Play or the Apple Store. This takes days, if not weeks. Plus they often send the update back for revision.
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