2Woke PrissaayyQ
on July 23, 2022 148 views
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Haven't seen Chris in a while. Is he still free?
July 23, 2022
2Woke PrissaayyQ
2Woke PrissaayyQ replied - 1 reply
richard barnhart
This is what I've been telling my son for over a year. Now I'm not allowed to speak about COVID with him, why? Because I'm a selfish POS .
July 23, 2022
2Woke PrissaayyQ
2Woke PrissaayyQ replied - 1 reply
I preach it everywhere I go. Do not be afraid to tell the truth. So many people are so asleep. Once you make them see, they cannot un see. Not easy but amazing when they get that look on their face when they finally get it. Priceless.
July 23, 2022