Jackass Democrats
on June 11, 2022 114 views
Trudeau and the Nazi Democrat Socialist Party Of America have the same goals such as the NWO. They are more like socialist and communist leaders. They want to disarm their citizens so they can easily force them into socialistic slavery.
They both want gun control and don’t think you have a right to defend yourselves.
As always, never buy anything made in china.
Don't ever trust a democrat and NEVER leave your child alone with one.
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Will Jones
Of the Bible's "ten horns of the seventh head of the beast," "queen" is Khazar false-Jew Christ-killer of sodomite child-raping demon-possessed Canaanite Idumean Gog, Rome and the false-Jews' trying to slave the world, the Author of Fascism: "the real Anti-Christ" "engine for enslaving mankind" - ru... View More
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