Greg Grape
on June 2, 2022 24 views
THIS IS MORE THAN JUST BIDEN. Look in the comments. Read the description and disclaimers below, as it's very important. Creep is a documentary on Joe Biden. It seeks to compile and show evidence of Joe Biden inappropriately touching women, and making inappropriate or unnerving comments.
I don't usually do anything political on here, but this truly scares me. I'm going to be very open about this. Keep in mind, I DID lean left, but I vote for the candidate and their issues, not the party. I supported Bernie Sanders until May 28th, but I've seen a media blackout on anything bad regarding Joe Biden. I've learned a lot since I first put this video out on Youtube. I'm now for Trump. If you want to know why I made such a dramatic shift, watch this video
Disclaimer: I am not 100% sure if he is giving that girl his number. It just appeared that way. Keep this in mind while watching. Falsely reporting this video may get your account taken down. I ask you to instead dislike this video and leave me an angry comment below instead. Thank you!
Music is by Kevin MacLeod
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Fred Smith
What parent let's that perverted creeper anywhere near their kids? Some people really should not be parents at all.
June 3, 2022