on May 25, 2022 34 views
Modern frameworks are quite functional and allow developers to implement any feature. Frameworks are useful if, for example, a CMS assumes a ready-made site that is customized to your needs, while frameworks allow you to create a unique set of features and are suitable for atypical products. Second, JavaScript frameworks improve developer productivity by already containing specific rules, templates, and feature sets. When Google released Angular, the framework revolutionized and developers appreciated it. Angular as a framework is used to develop large enterprise applications, since a number of architectural solutions come out of the box, including TypeScript. This can be a limitation on the one hand, but on the other hand it's a quick solution to a standard case. There are also DI mechanisms for easy testing and dependency swapping. Angular as a framework is highly specialized. The entry threshold into its development is quite high. In addition to the knowledge of the average JS-developer, it is necessary to understand how this framework is set up. Angular releases major updates, usually once every six months. Since it depends on previous versions and components, the framework has a service with a detailed description for version migration. In addition, Angular has an Ivy compiler that points out bugs if they occur before the code is executed by the interpreter. When choosing a framework, you should pay attention to popularity, availability of specialists on the market, areas of application, labor costs, speed of stack development, and, which may be a key factor, project requirements.
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