Jackass Democrats
on May 24, 2022 170 views
The perversions of the Nazi Democrat Socialist Party Of America are getting out of hand. How much longer will America tolerate watching democrats do such vile and perverted things to little children. It took several decades to actually curb their satanic sacrifices of unborn babies, how much longer will it take to stop things like this.
As always, never buy anything made in china.
Don't ever trust a democrat and NEVER leave your child alone with one.
Angry (2)
Robert Blackwell
Jack ass if you want to fuck up your kid pay for it yourself
May 24, 2022
Robert Blackwell
Robert Blackwell replied - 2 replies
Will Jones
Someone sodomized the demon-possessed pervert as a toddler or infant: the Canaanite abomination unrepentantly being practiced by Rome and the false-Jews, other cults and ethnocults, in America proscribed by America's King, God Almighty, since Noah.
May 24, 2022
John Watson
This moron should be prosecuted for child abuse and lose his parental rights.
May 24, 2022