#BCPTODAY #TRUMP #JOHNDURHAMJOIN OUR COMMUNITY FOR FREE! www.TheRealBCP.comCheck out our other daily show, #BCPunfiltered: https://bit.ly/3LTWbaROR YOU CAN WATCH IT HERE: https://bit.ly/3H0Kuwp OR LISTEN TO THE SPOTIFY PODCAST VERSION HERE: https://spoti.fi/34UMn0tSubscribe to our sister channel, The BCP REPORT: https://bit.ly/3BFyKhBPLEASE SUBSCRIBE TO OUR NEW SPANISH CHANNEL: https://youtu.be/fDDPWa_8qSE (EVEN IF YOU DON'T SPEAK SPANISH!)00:00 Biden loses to the teleprompter and his tongue02:22 Makes me mad that I pay taxes!03:36 Republicans are warmongers! (Except for these 11.)07:09 Corruption Story #109:10 10 STRAIGHT days!10:14 Trump takes on the Dirty 51!15:47 Corruption Story #2: Hunter’s peeps get the clear17:08 Latest John Durham trial newsSocial Media:Truth Social: @BCPtvLocals: @TheRealBCPGETTR: @Black_C_Patriot gab: @Black_Conservative
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