Mark Alan
on October 20, 2020 134 views

Back  in  2015 , We  wrote  a screenplay , Called  "All Nighter."  The  story   plot  ,  went into    life of a  college  studdent  , and her  torcherous  weekend.  She  was  forced  to stay awake  for  42 hours ,  cramming for multiple  tests.  Things  didn't  go quite as well  as  planned.  An  experimantal  energy drink, called "Rocket  Fuel , was  the only thing  that was  keeping her awake . IT had some  interesting Side  effects.   The line  between  the  real , and NOT  real was blurred . " IN a dream state, "  THIS happended,  yet seemed approptiate  based on the wacky  weather , we're  dealing with right now.  THE  set is fully digital,  and  "THE weather guy,"  is shot on y Green screen. THE rest , Just for fun,


Categories: Film & Entertainment
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