Mikel Burroughs
on April 11, 2022 82 views
MATCHING GIFT CHALLENGE: Flower on Every Grave – Memorial Day!
Victory for Veterans, Inc Memorial Day Flowers Tribute – Honoring and Paying Respect to all Veterans on Memorial Day!
**The SDN-Pros challenge: SDN-Pros will match $1,000 for any business that donates $1,000 for this great event.** Identify your business online at one of these links below and make your $1,000 donation and mention: "SDN-Pros Challenge Match!"
Make your business or individual tax-deductible donations TODAY for roses and get more information about the great Memorial Day event “Flower on Every Grave” 28 May 2022 in Illinois & 30 May 2022 at these Seven (7) other cemeteries sponsored by Victory for Veterans, Inc (VFV), Memorial Day Flower Foundation (MDFF), and SDN-Pros!
Categories: Business Videos
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