on April 9, 2022 43 views
Welcome to FISH MATH™ where our mission was purposefully crafted to get your bait on target!
Wading through the countless and always changing variables, that go with trolling on a live lake-- fishing enthusiast and founder, Tom Tuite developed something truly remarkable! He figured out how to do the math and put his #BAITONTARGET -- every. single. time. It doesn't matter how fast you're going, what direction the wind is blowing, what you're using - the Math is what it is! When you "DO THE MATH YOU WILL CATCH MORE FISH!"
You can eliminate all the variables associated with trolling on a live lake and keep fishing fun! FISH MATH™ gets your bait on target and delivers for you every time -- whether you are a beginner fisherman, an expert charter captain or somewhere in between.
FISH MATH™ removes the variables from your fishing game so you can stack your cooler with limits of fish! You can't afford to fish without it! Proudly made in the USA!!
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