Well China, shall sing no more. For her red and yellow plus the star have fallen alone with Switzerland and Ireland and Germany…… and Indian shall laugh along with Jerusalem. There shall be order in the Courts. Here in Heaven and on Earth no more chaos. Rest in the LORD for HE is Our Mercy and Strength. More and More we shall find how GOD shows kindness to “all who call on ME” says the LORD of HOST. GOD speaks; and it is done. JESUS’ knew to Trust GOD while HE worked here on earth. Why ? Because JESUS, was on earth; while others were in the world. This establishment has Repent for false deeds and harm they have done. GOD has accepted their Repentance upon condition of proving True Full turn around. Many will be charge for being wasteful and lies exposed to public. Their shame will be upon them for the false hearts that cried lies to GOD while GOD sought True remorse for their crimes. They repented into lies and hoping to escape judgement. But, GOD shall not me Mocked and Will not be made into whoredom for your sake. You shall know True Judgement of the LORD. TURN back from the sins you commit or face the Righteous Wrath of the LORD of HOST. JESUS CHRIST is KING! KING JESUS! All Praise the Holy One Who Saves! YESHUA!!!!!Geneva Bible 1560 Bible, & Halley's Handbook, & Torah visit website: https://mariespeaksgodsgrace.live for updates on Social Media______________________________Support Channel by: sharing, liking, and heartusing the Brave Browser: https://brave.com/ouh801https://paypal.me/mariespeaksgodsgracezelle app: mariespeaks009@gmail.comcash app: $mariespeaks009_______________________Bibles used this season:https://sacred-texts.com/chr/apo/inde...Books of the Torah and other Jewish writings:https://www.jewishvirtuallibrary.org/...or (pdf)https://chaver.com/Torah-New/English/...Geneva Bible 1560(pdf): https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/ap...____________________License, Audio, and Music credit list:NoCopyrightSounds. WiDE AWAKE - Something More [NCS Release]https://youtu.be/ke-uyk8qylUhttps://elements.envato.com/the-oo-ah...Ex-LGBTs fill US Capitol Rotunda with heartfelt prayer and song https://youtu.be/9fT19pAJOAU
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