on December 18, 2021 12 views
Jussie’s “Responsible” Lie | Ep. 83To clarify—it’s okay to lie when it's the “responsible” thing to do, and it’s okay to say the N-word, but it’s not okay for other people to say it? In the midst of the Jussie Smollett trial, Liz calls a spade a spade: Smollett is the embodiment of radical leftist ideology in America today. Plus, why are criminals like the Fox News Christmas tree arsonist and the Waukesha attacker being ignored by the mainstream media? And, if you need more proof that Marxists are taking over our schools, California and Chicago propose crazy new standards in the classroom. This is The Liz Wheeler Show.Posted by Liz Wheeler on Wednesday, December 8, 2021
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