Douglas Murray discusses the differences between Islam and Christianity and their impact on the West. #douglasmurray #Islam #Christinaty #waronthewestDouglas Murray is a prolific British author
and journalist. He has been contributor to The Spectator since 2000 and has been associate editor of the magazine since 2012. He has also written regularly for numerous other outlets, including: the Wall Street Journal, The Times, The Sunday Times, The Sun, The Evening Standard, and the New Criterion. He is a regular contributor to National Review and has been a columnist for Standpoint Magazine since its founding. His latest book, 'The War on the West', was published in May 2022.See their full interview here: feature John Anderson, former Deputy Prime Minister of Australia, interviewing the world's foremost thought leaders about today's pressing social, cultural and political issues.John believes proper, robust dialogue is necessary if we are to maintain our social strength and cohesion. As he puts it; "You cannot get good public policy out of a bad public debate."If you value this discussion and want to see more like it, make sure you subscribe to the channel here: stay right up to date with all the conversations by subscribing to the newsletter here: John on Twitter: John on Facebook: the channel: Murray https://douglasmurray.net
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