Check out Tarot by Janine's new video where she does a reading looking into the truth surrounding reports from people of FEMA style camps being set up in Canada and the US! What's really going on? Why are they rumored to be located in way out of the way places? Also looking into what's going on in Australia! Join in! If you would like to support Janine and Guy with the channel, here's a "Buy Us A Coffee" link - you for the Love and support!All our videos are for entertainment purposes only, just our opinion as we see in the cards-intuitive-psychic interpretation- and not presenting as fact! Enjoy!Contact and follow Tarot by JanineFor all inquiries, booking private readings and to request a question to be aired - https://www.tarotbyjanine.com
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John Newton
Christian church fined $274,000 by Canada's communist government.

Church of God paying $274,000 in fines, but Pastor Hildebrandt vows to keep fighting